Eventho almost 5 months berlalu...sesaje je nak flash back and share the experience with all mommies and mommies to be out there..begini ceritenye...
Dec. 03 2009 - 9.00am :
Mase nie mmg dah x keje...mr. Dr. dah bagi hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks [ I LIKE~] tp lepak2 kat rumah aje...that morning rase macam lain macam...so decide nak pegi check dkt KLINIK Saket PUAN dekat depan umah aje...but before pegi bole singgah breakfast roti canai dulu...breakfast sesorg aje..(bole aje layan breakf. sesorg.) pas kenyang pg la klinik..bile check mRs. Dr. cakap dah ade opening 1 cm..then ok la..balik umah dulu...mandi2 pas tu golek2 atas katil dulu sambil call ninie (kwn serumah kt UTM) tanye mcm mane rase contraction nk bersalin tu...so she explained then rasenye mmg betol la kot rase mcm ade contraction...sampaila ke petang the contraction mcm lg kuat...
Dec. 03 2009 - 3.00pm :
Cakap kat my mom...rasenye mcm saket la..then mak cakap nak pegi hospital dah ke? tapi rasenye mcm ok aje lg...so lepak la lagi kat umah sambil tengok tv..=D..Mase tu juga dah call mR. Husband bagitau die rase mcm nak beranak dah...then he said he still in Putrajaya ade keje..Whenever die dah balik office die akan balik umah teros...so x kesah la...bukannye nak beranak pon lg..~layankan je la all those mild2 contraction nie~
Dec. 03 2009 - 4.00pm :
Mak Usu dtg umah...then mak tanye whether nak pg APSH x? hhmmm rasenye mcm ok aje lg...tapi mak cakap pegi je la...pegi check..coz baby movement pon mcm rase dah semakin kurang...so then we decide to go...and inform mR. husband...if balik teros aje la pegi hospital..
Sampai APSH...check2 baru 2 cm dilated...so they told me i could stay and wait or i could go home then whenever rase i) less baby movement or ii) air ketuban pecah...baru dtg hospital balik...hhmm bile cakap mcm tu...decide balik umah la balik...=D..APSH pon ala2 sekangkang kere je kan..
Dec. 03 2009 - 5.30pm :
Balik nie mak sebok la membuat puding pisang (Puding diRaja Pahang)..dah lame dah request for this puding tapi pisang lemak manis asyik xde je ms tu (puding nie kene buat ngn pisang lemak manis yg dh masak ranum aje...pisang lain x bole)...luckily a day b4 that mak dpt beli pisang nie..eventho pisang tu x msk lagi..mak buatkan juge...
Dec. 03 2009 - 6.30pm :
hmmm contraction semakin terase..puding pisang pon dah siap...ape lg..bile contraction hilang je teros pegi makan puding tu..takot kempunan plak nanti..habes 5 biji pisang makan...=D..hihihi...(tgh saket2 pon bole aje makan byk lg..~! - mmg patut la naek 28kg~!) mase tu juge call mR. Husband...die dh kat office tp still x bole balik...bnyk lg keje...errgghhhh...mR. Husband mmg tak penah2 habes keje nye..(eNcik Bos..kalo bole hire la lagi perkerje...kesian suami saye tu...=S)
Dec. 03 2009 - 7.45pm
At last...balik pon mR. Husband ..mase nie saye dah terlepek kat atas sofa...contraction semakin kuat...bile orang tanye pon dah malas becakap..pas bagi order kat mr. husband suruh mandi + makan..=D..layan la lagi dgn contraction2 yg semakin terase...(bile pk blk...miss plak that moment..kunun-nye la kannn..)
Dec. 03 2009 - 8.30pm
Jeng jeng jeng...tgh2 baring tu...ade bunyi mcm letupan kecil berlaku (pluuuppp)..oooohh ape kah itu...ok la..terase mcm nak pegi ke kamar kecil n check...tetibe bile bangon aje...haaaaa ade air mengalir...opppssss ape nie...valve pundi kencing rosak ke???? konfiiuusss okay ???amniotic fluid [air ketuban] dah pecah rupenye...haaa ape lg...semue pon panik la...termasuk la mR. husband terus lari cuci tangan [sbb tgh dinner]..mak okay aje.. (mak dah prepare after maghrib lg) bibik plak panik ambek beg letak depan pintu...hahahaah...kelakar...~ and for me...(menanges sebab ntah....x tau la kenape bole nanges...) hhahahaha...lagi lawak...asal plak la nak nanges...konfius until now...hihihihi..~ off to APSH with mak & mR. Husband...ooohh lupe plak...mase tu dh naek kete...tetibe teingt plak air milo mak buat blom minom...kite minom dulu...=D..~
Dec. 03 2009 - 9.00pm
Reached APSH..terus pegi labor room...hhmmm labor room x kasik plak mak masuk...only husband bole masuk...after minta maaf dgn mak (mane la tau pape jdkan...baek minta maaf dulu) call my kazen to pick my mom balik umah dulu...kesian plak mak sesorang kat tmpt menunggu tu..tinggal la mR. husband & mE...
Dec. 03 2009 - 9.30pm ~Dec. 04 2009 - 12.00am :
After well prepared by the nurse ...just lay on the bed...sambil2 tu die dtg check on the opening...huhuhuhu...tak best ..~!! saket contraction bole tahan...saket check for the opening...hhmmmmmmm saket okey..~! so tepakse mengaku kalah jelah...after the 3rd times she checked for the opening...i'm asking for the Epidural...hihihihi~(..angkat bendere puteh...!) mase nie dah 4cm dilated...while the mR. Dr. nak masukan epidural...huhuhu...i cried again mase tgh cucuk la (hahahah...mengade sungguh...tp mmg saket pon..=S) ..mase tu mR. Husband held me close to him..so that i wont move eventho a little bit...kalo ter-move..bole lumpuh jadinye..=S..~at the time...kedengaran mommy2 yang sedang push2...hahaha..panik sebentar..[dgr jeritan2 yg menggerunkan]~
Dec. 04 2009 - 1200am~3.50am :
After the epidural...hmmm x rase saket dah...=D..i slept for a while and mR. Husband sebok dengan iphone-nye...till cik Nurse datang...she woke me up..and checked for the opening..and its TIME..! 10cm fully dilated...then prepared for the labor...uhuhuhu...takoottsss pule...but mR. husband was there...kurang sket takot...tQ mr.Husband...~!
Dec. 04 2009 - 3.50am ~4.12 am :
Sebab x rase langsung contraction as i took the epidural...i've to wait for the mR.Dr instruction to push..after push and push and push and finally the 4th contraction ...pushhhhhhhhh realy2 hard....taaaadaaaaaaaaa....Alhamdullillah...~baby "Q" safely delivered...they put the baby on my tummy for a while...baby sangt comot mase tu...daddy and mommy were sooooo happy to meet our little baby Qhalish Aziz "Aziz" taken from his late aki and his tok-dad's name...(ooohh..i wish abah was still here...=(..surely he'll be soo happy having 4 grandsons!!~)
Dec. 03 2009 - 9.00am :
Mase nie mmg dah x keje...mr. Dr. dah bagi hospitalisation leave for 2 weeks [ I LIKE~] tp lepak2 kat rumah aje...that morning rase macam lain macam...so decide nak pegi check dkt KLINIK Saket PUAN dekat depan umah aje...but before pegi bole singgah breakfast roti canai dulu...breakfast sesorg aje..(bole aje layan breakf. sesorg.) pas kenyang pg la klinik..bile check mRs. Dr. cakap dah ade opening 1 cm..then ok la..balik umah dulu...mandi2 pas tu golek2 atas katil dulu sambil call ninie (kwn serumah kt UTM) tanye mcm mane rase contraction nk bersalin tu...so she explained then rasenye mmg betol la kot rase mcm ade contraction...sampaila ke petang the contraction mcm lg kuat...
Dec. 03 2009 - 3.00pm :
Cakap kat my mom...rasenye mcm saket la..then mak cakap nak pegi hospital dah ke? tapi rasenye mcm ok aje lg...so lepak la lagi kat umah sambil tengok tv..=D..Mase tu juga dah call mR. Husband bagitau die rase mcm nak beranak dah...then he said he still in Putrajaya ade keje..Whenever die dah balik office die akan balik umah teros...so x kesah la...bukannye nak beranak pon lg..~layankan je la all those mild2 contraction nie~
Dec. 03 2009 - 4.00pm :
Mak Usu dtg umah...then mak tanye whether nak pg APSH x? hhmmm rasenye mcm ok aje lg...tapi mak cakap pegi je la...pegi check..coz baby movement pon mcm rase dah semakin kurang...so then we decide to go...and inform mR. husband...if balik teros aje la pegi hospital..
Sampai APSH...check2 baru 2 cm dilated...so they told me i could stay and wait or i could go home then whenever rase i) less baby movement or ii) air ketuban pecah...baru dtg hospital balik...hhmm bile cakap mcm tu...decide balik umah la balik...=D..APSH pon ala2 sekangkang kere je kan..
Dec. 03 2009 - 5.30pm :
Balik nie mak sebok la membuat puding pisang (Puding diRaja Pahang)..dah lame dah request for this puding tapi pisang lemak manis asyik xde je ms tu (puding nie kene buat ngn pisang lemak manis yg dh masak ranum aje...pisang lain x bole)...luckily a day b4 that mak dpt beli pisang nie..eventho pisang tu x msk lagi..mak buatkan juge...
Dec. 03 2009 - 6.30pm :
hmmm contraction semakin terase..puding pisang pon dah siap...ape lg..bile contraction hilang je teros pegi makan puding tu..takot kempunan plak nanti..habes 5 biji pisang makan...=D..hihihi...(tgh saket2 pon bole aje makan byk lg..~! - mmg patut la naek 28kg~!) mase tu juge call mR. Husband...die dh kat office tp still x bole balik...bnyk lg keje...errgghhhh...mR. Husband mmg tak penah2 habes keje nye..(eNcik Bos..kalo bole hire la lagi perkerje...kesian suami saye tu...=S)
Dec. 03 2009 - 7.45pm
At last...balik pon mR. Husband ..mase nie saye dah terlepek kat atas sofa...contraction semakin kuat...bile orang tanye pon dah malas becakap..pas bagi order kat mr. husband suruh mandi + makan..=D..layan la lagi dgn contraction2 yg semakin terase...(bile pk blk...miss plak that moment..kunun-nye la kannn..)
Dec. 03 2009 - 8.30pm
Jeng jeng jeng...tgh2 baring tu...ade bunyi mcm letupan kecil berlaku (pluuuppp)..oooohh ape kah itu...ok la..terase mcm nak pegi ke kamar kecil n check...tetibe bile bangon aje...haaaaa ade air mengalir...opppssss ape nie...valve pundi kencing rosak ke???? konfiiuusss okay ???amniotic fluid [air ketuban] dah pecah rupenye...haaa ape lg...semue pon panik la...termasuk la mR. husband terus lari cuci tangan [sbb tgh dinner]..mak okay aje.. (mak dah prepare after maghrib lg) bibik plak panik ambek beg letak depan pintu...hahahaah...kelakar...~ and for me...(menanges sebab ntah....x tau la kenape bole nanges...) hhahahaha...lagi lawak...asal plak la nak nanges...konfius until now...hihihihi..~ off to APSH with mak & mR. Husband...ooohh lupe plak...mase tu dh naek kete...tetibe teingt plak air milo mak buat blom minom...kite minom dulu...=D..~
Dec. 03 2009 - 9.00pm
Reached APSH..terus pegi labor room...hhmmm labor room x kasik plak mak masuk...only husband bole masuk...after minta maaf dgn mak (mane la tau pape jdkan...baek minta maaf dulu) call my kazen to pick my mom balik umah dulu...kesian plak mak sesorang kat tmpt menunggu tu..tinggal la mR. husband & mE...
Dec. 03 2009 - 9.30pm ~Dec. 04 2009 - 12.00am :
After well prepared by the nurse ...just lay on the bed...sambil2 tu die dtg check on the opening...huhuhuhu...tak best ..~!! saket contraction bole tahan...saket check for the opening...hhmmmmmmm saket okey..~! so tepakse mengaku kalah jelah...after the 3rd times she checked for the opening...i'm asking for the Epidural...hihihihi~(..angkat bendere puteh...!) mase nie dah 4cm dilated...while the mR. Dr. nak masukan epidural...huhuhu...i cried again mase tgh cucuk la (hahahah...mengade sungguh...tp mmg saket pon..=S) ..mase tu mR. Husband held me close to him..so that i wont move eventho a little bit...kalo ter-move..bole lumpuh jadinye..=S..~at the time...kedengaran mommy2 yang sedang push2...hahaha..panik sebentar..[dgr jeritan2 yg menggerunkan]~
Dec. 04 2009 - 1200am~3.50am :
After the epidural...hmmm x rase saket dah...=D..i slept for a while and mR. Husband sebok dengan iphone-nye...till cik Nurse datang...she woke me up..and checked for the opening..and its TIME..! 10cm fully dilated...then prepared for the labor...uhuhuhu...takoottsss pule...but mR. husband was there...kurang sket takot...tQ mr.Husband...~!
Dec. 04 2009 - 3.50am ~4.12 am :
Sebab x rase langsung contraction as i took the epidural...i've to wait for the mR.Dr instruction to push..after push and push and push and finally the 4th contraction ...pushhhhhhhhh realy2 hard....taaaadaaaaaaaaa....Alhamdullillah...~baby "Q" safely delivered...they put the baby on my tummy for a while...baby sangt comot mase tu...daddy and mommy were sooooo happy to meet our little baby Qhalish Aziz "Aziz" taken from his late aki and his tok-dad's name...(ooohh..i wish abah was still here...=(..surely he'll be soo happy having 4 grandsons!!~)
Precious moment of Qhalish Aziz ;
[daddy : aikksss ringan-nye "Q" hmmm mommy naek 28kg..nmpk sgt la lemak mommy yg berat tu..~]
[mommy : baby "Q" on diet in mommy's womb kot..=S]

p/s : FYI ~wane hijau2 kt gamba tu adelah bahagian yg telah di-censored-kan..~=S..
wahh..lawanye gamba bb ngam2 br kuar ye.
ReplyDeletemy hubby snap time da balut..hehe
btw,congrats!wpun da 5 bln berlalu..tapi,melahirkan tu satu rahmat.
awyn... klakar aa citer ko nih.. (boleh??).. yg penting ade terselit name i kat ctu~~~ yeah!!! (giler glamor ke hape?).. aku suke part ko dah pecah air ketuban, ko nangis, PASTU SEMPAT TERINGAT X MINUM MILO LAGIK.. haihhhhh.. itu mmg sungguh AWYN okeh~~~ tp kan, mmg rindu kan mase tu? xtau la.. tp nak menempuh lg skali mcm takot!!!!
ReplyDeleteAshra : hmm sebaek phone ade camera..actually nak bawa proper camera...sebab panik2 punye pasal...camera pon tinggal..~
ReplyDeleteNinie : saje kasik ko glame..so msk sekali la name ko...hihihhi..~ aku pon konfius..bile pk blk..kenape la aku bole menanges...bukan saket pon...geeeee..~~ buat malu aje...x macho betol..=D~
haha part paling kelakar, smpt minum milo sblom p hospital =p...
ReplyDeleteisyhh kalu ingat2 balik experience kt labor room tu mmg gerun sgt tp yg penting alhamdulillah smer selamat =p...
yanie : maklumla..saye nie membesar dgn MILO..=D