Edisi geram lagi nie...well about my current project nie..which is i have to prepare the BQ and submit it to relevant department..after dah anta tu..memacam lak mintak..seems like tak pecaye la BQ yang aku produce tu..ooo pleaaaseeee la...ingat BQ tu value die aku sesuke hati petik kat pokok MAngga ke..!!! bodoh ke hape...semue nak question balik...if that so... ko buat la BQ sendirik...! tak payah la nak suruh aku buat kan...aduhh bangang betol...pastu bole plak cakap aku kire area building salah...yang hampehnye...building 2 stories die buat 1 story...mmg la floor area tak same...bodohkan..! yang bangangnye lagi ...tgk BQ aku...tapi pegi refer kat drawing electrical...tak ke bodoh..! BQ CIVIL refer la kat CIVIL DRAWING..yang pegi refer drawing other department tu ape cekadaknye...agaknye degree beli kat pasar malam kot...!! adehh...dah la tu...menyusahkan orang nak double check utk die..asal tak dapat je ape die nak...mule la pegi CC email kat semue bos2...mmg dasar bangang betol...aaiihhsskkkk geram sangat nie...evrytime buat project ngan die jek ...boleh naik darah tinggi..! tu edisi geram hari nie...citer smalam plak...si "betuah" nie...request about the floor area la gak for each building...mase tu by phone jela..mase tu lebih kurang kol 330pm...pastu around kol 5pm bole officially tules bende yang die nak tu by email and CC lagi ye kat semue orang...hhmm ape lagi...aku ngan bestnye reply balik la email si "betuah" nie...seperti berikut ye..."Please check on your email. Already sent the related information that you need about an hour ago." haaaa hambek ko....aku pon reply la to all balik kan...~ kononnye aku tak buat la keje yang die nak tu...teros hanta email kasik tau satu dunie..! dasar korprat betol la....!!! adduuhh geram2...cant wait for weekend...pegi makan sedap2 bagi turunkan darah nie haaaa....~
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011

After bace about Tutti Frutti at yani's blog..so today ajak la mr.hubby pegi TUtti Frutti nie which is quite near to our area..and ofcourse it was nyummyy!! we had strawberry, red velvert yogurt , vanilla & ape ntah eh another flavour pick by my sis in law..plus all the fresh fruits & all those toppings! Selagi muat semuenye nak masukkan..so for 2 cups mr.hubby paid almost rm40..geeee..mahal la jugakkan...but then still delicious!! Espcially the red velvet..nyummnyumm.. sambil makan sambil layan iphone with free tutti frutti unifi..! I loike~Little Q was in heaven lakan.. Sugar rush!! Geeee~~Hahaha..makan sampai hirup2 okay! Seems like we have to go there again lah daddy~ mommy love it and Q love it as well!! Till we meet again.. Nite2 you all..dont let the bugs bite ya~!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Edisi geram|~
Ooohh susahnye la nak berusan dengan lawyer2 saye nie..(bukan semue lawyer ye..particular dgn lawyer yg sedang saye berusan ini) i do have a lawyer act on my behalf and another one is acting on behalf of the bank..nie kes nak buat loan umah la nie...yang susahnye...dedue lawyer nie..kalo nak pape mintak tru saye! tak bole ke liaise together2! nie mintak certain thing related dgn law..buat pengetahuan ye...engineer tak tau pasal law2 + law documentation nie..law bawa kete pandai la..kalo dah sampai tahap master list ke hape ntah...saye tak tau ...tolong la harap maklum...kalo saye nie tau takde la saye engage lawyer yang oi..nie dah la baya to both parties...then lagi nak menambah kepeningan kepale nie haa..adoiii..! geram betol..dah la keje sendiri pon banyak..lagi nak menambah pening..aduhhh geram nie..!
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