Friday, May 21, 2010

Aqiqah Qhalish and his 2nd cousins~

Hi all,

Majlis Aqiqah little "Q" was held back in February 2010...mase chinese new year...he was 2 months old at that time and we did celebrate it with his 2nd cousins [4 babies + 1 include little "Q" = 5 babies - semuenye baby boy!!]..~! all the babies were born in 2009...dr january sampai la december...i thought my baby will be the youngest baby in 2009 among the 2nd kazens..tetapi tetibe on december 12 09 lahir plak lagi sorang [premature..suppose to be born in february].. so the potong jambul kenduri sort off sangat meriah dengan adenye 5 orang baby2 comel~! ade yang menanges...ade yang ketiduran...ade yg separuh nak mengamuk...and ade jugak yg dah pandai berlari...hihihi..~

before Majlis Aqiqah ~ "Q" tidur dengan peaceful-nye

from left : Baby Zidan and little Q

little "Q" : ooohhhh i still wanna sleep..kenape nak bukak baju plak nie~!
Baby Zidan : aiksss...relex la "Q" ..they just wanna changed your baju la..will be handsome just like me..~

little "Q" : aaaarrgghhhh mommy help me!!...x mau tukar baju..~!
Baby Zidan : oohhh "Q" stop crying pleaaseee...~you hurting my ears..!

little "Q" : ooohh okey abg.zidan..i'll stop crying..[sambil pasrah nek usu tukarkan bajunye]

taadaaaa..!!~.dah hemsem dah..with his 1st baju melayu & songkok haji...but still not in a good mood...masam nye little "Q" mommy..~

all babies line up with their white uniforms
[baju melayu puteh yang dibuat oleh ibu anjang~TQ IBU]..
tunggu turn nak potong jambul..~

"Q" tidur all the way till makcik2 habes bermarhaban..~!
mommy busy sengih2 tangkap gamba..[as always la kan]

Aunty Jasmin with her baby Zidan Othman..Zidan is older than "Q" by 3 months

Eiman Danish is older than "Q" by 2 days ONLY..~
[memula nak letak name "Q" EIMAN .sekali mommy & daddy eiman dah ambek name tu end up jadi Qhalish Aziz instead of Eiman Aziz..=)..]

the oldest..! born in january 09~ abg. Ahmad Adam~
adam kebosanan...sampai makan kasut nak tunggu turn potong jambul..!

mommy..aunty jasmin..and our precious babies~!

Eiman & Qhalish with their moyang~ mommy's gradma..she's almost 90 yrs old~!

p/s : the youngest baby among 5 of them takde pule gambanye~


  1. chomel nyer tgk Q pakai kopiah + baju melayu tu.. sejuk perutss =p..

  2. yani : baju melayu tu sempat pakai sekali nie dah x dh pass up dekat my sister's baby zafry..=D

  3. comel comel comel... hmm bila la anak aku nk jadi2 nih...hehehe

  4. citigurlz : usaha tangge kejayaan..! adela rezekinye tu nanti..=D
