Hi All,
Here it goes...to share some of the sweet moment giving birth to our 2nd prince Qayden Aziz..~
As usual, im on my hospitalization leave for almost 2 weeks..suke2kan...cuti lepak2 dekat rumah..sape x suke kan...pastu claim as hospitalization kan...
This time we choosed Pantai Medical Center Bangsar for the check-up and for deliver. Coz rasenye macam tak best la kat Ampang Puteri tu.. Maklum la...branak nie buakn nye selalu...so ofcourse la we as a ibu2 nie always will look something plg best to deliver the baby kan..
After go tru google2 in the internet..so jatuh hati la nak deliver 2nd baby dekat Pantai Medical Center Bangsar.. and another thing because mr.hubby office is nearby to the hospital... make it more easier to pick him up on the way to the hospital..
And ofcourse la kan..have to know the fee kan..so google2 lagi ..ok la..not bad..around RM3500 to RM4500 for normal delivery...as mr. hubby ofis cover till RM4000 so if lebih pon you only have to pay another rm500 kan...soo hell yes...kite confirm nak deliver kat Pantai ye..!
Kali nie I do prefer nak deliver dengan doctor perempuan...and google2 lagi then found out dieorang cakap Dr. Idora adelah best..yes..TRUE..! mmg best even suare die slowkan..slow tahap macam kalo mase deliver nanti bole ke dengar instruction suruh push2...hahahah...HOSPITAL --> Checked...DOCTOR --Checked...
Every week went for a check up...x branak2 juga..mase the first baby delivered 2 weeks early so budget nak branak awak juga la nie...tapi baby tak nak kuar2 juga..untill the due date which was on 5 Mac 2012..
pagi tu as usual..pegi hospital and pick up mr. husband at his office...then went to the hospital.. Time nie siap cakap dekat Dr. Idora...if baby x nak kuar lagi please induce or whatever la..asal baby kuar..x larat dah hookeeh...dengan big Q suke buat hal..always attach dengan mmomy aje mase tu...x bole tahan siap kene dukung die till the last moment nak branak..! aaiisskkk...anakku...!
Luckily there was 2cm opening..mase tu around 12 in the afternoon...so Dr. Idora tanye if I tros admit or balik dulu..as i x bawa pape pon to the hospital ( sbb x rase mcm nak branak pon hari tu...ngeehhh) and ofcourse kene say goodbye kat big Q kan..so we decide to balik rumah dulu..Siap tanye Dr. Idora agaknye nak datang before or after peak hour..so die advice dtg before peak hour..takot terberanak dalam kreta pulak kang..
Hence, balik la kami ke rumah..but before tu singgah Mr. Hubby office utk ambek letter nak masuk spital..lame la jugak..!! sabar je la..Balik..then mandi..siap2..kiss big Q for a while..then about 4pm kami ke hospital balik..mase nie big Q tgh tido...sbaek tido..if not jgn harap la bole kuar umah..ade tepekik telolong anak bujang kami tu nanti...
Sampai hospital...jalan harusla menten lagi..sbb x rase pon nak branak kan..siap silap pi ward lagi..aaiikksss...sengal2...then tros masuk labour room..after mak bidan kasik explaination and ceramah2 then rest2..siap bole snap2 pictures lagi..hahaha..totally different senario with given birth on big Q..! around 530pm having dinner..makan nasi lauk ayam..hahah..menten bole makan lagi..mase nie ade sket2 rase contraction..
Around 630pm Dr. Idora came to the labour room to start the procedure which was pecahkan air ketuban utk stimulate the contraction..hhmmmm still menten lagi this time even tho contraction seems like getting closer and closer and makin kuat...
Around 745pm Mr.Hubby went for semayang maghrib..then after 15 minutes..call mr.hubby suruh cepat sket..macam makin saket aje..then layan aje la kan saket tu.. mak bidan masuk..tanye ok ke tak..and check for the opening..5cm..she asked me wether nak pape tak to reduce the pain..and ofcourse la nak kan..but this time I told the midwife...pape la except the epidural..hehehe...
So layan la jugak saket contraction tu kan..for me..bole la tahan lagi..cheewaahhh..sbenarnye mase tu rasenye x dapat nak describe saket nye..but alhamdullillah...saket tak brape lame sgt...suddenly around 845pm rase macam nak branak sangat dah..but the midwife siap suruh tahan2 plak as we have to wait for the Doctor...aaiisskkk...then less than 10 minutes...Dr. Idora arrived..! pheewww...yeay...bole la kite deliver skang ye..!
After bertungkus-lumus (cheeeewah.!)..few times of push2 adegan..then tadaaaaa....Qayden Aziz was born at 912pm @ 5 Mac 2012..Alhamdullillah..~
After done with the stiching2 thingy..then masuk ward around 12am..then perot lapa plak ..aaiisskkk..! Nie bab sedeh sket...sbb dah malam kan..so there was no available shop yang still bukak..so end up Mr. Hubby beli milo from Vending Machine ..!!!! x sedap!! ...plus makan beskut kering ...habes separuh peket la jugak beskut tu..!!! hihihi...lesson learn :- lain kali bawa tros food kalo nak pi branak ye!
Then besoknye..after Dr. Idora check around pukul 5pm..every thing went well ..kami pon pulang ke rumah..sbb kesian kat big Q yang x lena tido sbb mommy and daddy xde a day before..~ (kalo ikutkan hati..nak aje stay kat spital lagi..!)
So jom layan some of the pictures of our 2nd son Qayden Aziz bin Muhammad Shahnaz Khalili ~
Nota kaki; Total delivery fee was RM3200.. ok kan...cheaper than the budget..! Alhamdullillah dipermudahkan semuenye..~